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[Jr. Heavyweight]
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Height: 6'2"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Align: Heel

Hometown: "Whereever the Hell he wants" USA

Theme: "It's on" by Korn

Finisher: Phobcide
Description of Finisher: A Pedegree like manuver, usually done off the top rope.

5 Other Favorite Moves: DDT, Piledriver, Katahajime (Tazmission), Soviet Suplex, and pump-hamble powerbomb.

Manager: Eddie Lukin

Phobos has chin-length auburn hair. When he's wrestling, he wears black and grey full-leg length tights. Sometimes he wears Unabomb's "Jack Off 24:7" shirt from the HCW. He's always claimed that he never needed a flashy gimmick to "get over." Although when he's in a fued with someone, or having a verbal debate over flashes with someone, he likes to sneak-attack them backstage. So I guess that's his gimmick. He doesn't give a damn about what anyone says, least of all authority figures. He usually relies on assistance from stablemates to win, but since the rest of the 3-Pac aren't looking to join, things may not come easily for Phobos. His manager, Eddie Lukin, wears a three-piece suit and carrys a walking stick if he's formal, but if he's casual, he's got a golf club. Fun and games for all!