I'd like to thank the following people for helping me write matches for cards at one point or another: Malcom Wilson(Jaguar) who did a bit of writing for me while AC took time off, Lukin(Phobos) who wrote one match for me, although I forget which match it was, and Dana Haywood(Davey Scott) who has written a couple matches for the last couple cards, including the first match of this card.
And of course, the biggest thanks of all goes to Aaron Crabill, better known as AC. without him, the UEW didn't stand a chance from day 1. He's written easily 50% of the content for the UEW, while still managing to do such great RPs, and juggle his real life where he has 2 jobs, and was recently married. I don't think I know anyone else that would put up with an asshole like me for so long, and be able to do all this shit. Thanks a lot man, you fuckin rule.
Also thanks to everyone that Roleplayed, because an e-fed is nothing without actual participants. (which is one of the reasons this e-fed is dying, but there are more factors than just that.) I enjoyed reading a lot of the RPs that were posted, which is definatly good because I had to read quite a few of them. I liked to consider this one of the better e-feds out there because we had such quality RPers. Sure there people that came through here that just sucked, but they left right after they found out this wasn't some cheap second rate TNM simmed e-fed. me and the boys put in quite a lot of work, (well me and AC mostly, hehehe) and I'm speaking for myself, but I'm sure the others will agree, that I appreciated that you all put in at least some work too, to make this look like something.
And Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... ok the moment I've been waiting for... the UEW's Final Card... I hope you enjoy reading it, cuz I couldn't wait till I had it finished... Scroll Down for the start.
*The scene opens as Marcus Williams, Bloodbath, and Bowar stand in the middle of the ring, and all the wrestlers competing tonight surround the ring. The UEW logo appears on the large Blood-Tron, which has been moved from the UEW arena to the Skydome for tonight. Marcus holds a mic up.*
Marcus Williams: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and bow your heads in a moment of silence, as the bell tolls 10 times for the death of the UEW.
*The crowd stands as the bell is rung 10 times. the UEW logo dissolves, and the scene fades out*
*the scene fades back in with the UEW logo again, as this real hardcore metal music starts to play, and clips start to roll, clips of every single wrestler that will be wrestling on the Final Card tonight. it starts with clips mixed of Jaguar and Billy Stark... then of Shank, and some of Unabomb from the HCW. then it goes to the Synchronized Swimmers executing the Undertoe, and then of The NFS executing FLOSS. the next is of Kon hitting hellrazor after hellrazor on many different wrestlers. after that, a clip of Immortal jumping off the top rope and nailing Phobos with a dropkick knocking him off a chair that was on a table, a move that could have meant serious injury to Phobos. it then switches to Justin Sane and Davey Scott battling it out in their previous 3 matches. The next clips are from the old NWF, with Bloodbath and Executioner battling it out in their very first match, a match which Bloodbath won. It then shows Executioner pinning Bloodbath in a 4 way dance match in the NWF. The next clips are of EZ: The ShowStopper delivering the EZ Slam and EZ Elbow, and then of Phobos beating Kon and raising up the UEW Title. The final clips play of Xior in the NWF, beating opponents, and holding up the NWF title, then AC delivering AC Bombs and ACT, and holding up the UEW Title, as the scene fades out as does the music*
*The scene fades back into the Skydome, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, only about 2 hours from Bloodbath's home town, and about 30 minutes from where Marcus Williams grew up. The 15,000 fans here tonight scream their heads off, almost drowinging out the fireworks that are exploding all over the place. this goes on for about a minute, and finally shows Bowar and Marcus Williams sitting at a desk at the top of the ramp*
Marcus: WELCOME TO THE UEW'S FINAL SHOW! I'm Marcus Williams, and joining me tonight is Bowar
Bowar: Yeah well the HCW said they wanted my services again, and that kinda fell through, so I'm back again, only because you're paying me enough.
Marcus: Well I'd rather have Bloodbath out here, but he's got a big match coming up tonight against Scott Diamond. But you'll do fine I suppose.
Bowar: You know I'm your hero.
Marcus: Yeah, something like that... Anyway, as was implied with the video clips you saw at the start, we have a lot of great matches for you tonight, every UEW will be decided for it's final time, and feuds will be ended, and legends will battle it out for the fan's enjoyment. Including an unprecidented, well at least here, triple main event. First, Bloodbath will take on Scott Diamond. Second, for the UEW Unified Universal Heavyweight Title, EZ: The ShowStopper will try and take the title away from Reigning Champ Phobos, and both men will definatly have their back up with them, EZ's coming in the form of Utter Chaos, and Phobos's coming in the form of the 3-Pac. And finally, AC will battle NWF Legend Xior. This one is over a year in the making, as many people thought AC never got the shot at Xior that he deserved. Also, anyone that knows anything knows that AC is really a triple crown winner in the UEW, if you count the NEW National Title he won back in the old NWF/NEW days... but anyone that knows AC also knows that none of those titles matter to AC compared to the NWF Heavyweight Title, and even though it's not on the line here tonight, it'll still be quite the victory for AC... but Xior is no easy task to overcome... Xior was considered as the greatest NWF Wrestler never to hold the NWF Title... that is of course until he won it. He completely left this territory, and then basically stopped wrestling, although he never officially retired. This will be the greatest clash since the first Bloodbath/Scott Diamond Match...
Bowar: Would you shut up man? enough with the history lesson, it's NOW, and it's time to get this god damn show on the road! Taylor, do your thing!
*Taylor makes her first appearance in a nice bikini top, and shorts. Signs splashing around "Show me your puppies" rampaging around, and she waves her finger.*
Taylor: Not yet.. first we got to let some guys duke it out. This match is for one fall.. coming down the aisle, weighing 290 lbs.. accompanied by the.. product of incest, Aunt Bob, from Burnt Corn Alabama.. "The Crazed Redneck" BILLLY STARK!
*"The South Going to Do it Again" plays as Billy Stark walks down the ramp with Aunt Bob. Chants going raging on "Davey kicked your ass.. " making the man stop and look around in disgusted look, then he enter the ring. Billy walked past Taylor, and she did the "p-u" hand gesture behind his back.*
Taylor: His opponent, weighing 250 lbs.. from Brasilia, Brazil, JAGUAR!
*"One Man Army" Prodigy/Tom Morello play as Jaguar comes out, and get a moderate pop, considering what the people see this man can do. Jaguar enters the ring, and begins looking.. scouting Billy.*
Bowar: Come up here Taylor.. come sit with the Puppy Lover!
Marcus: Come on, let just get with the show! Billy and Jaguar circling each .. they connect.. Billy with a punch to the midsection, GUTWRENTCH POWERBOMB, and Jaguar is on the floor!
Bowar: Oh yea.. show that kitty who the boss!
Marcus: You may not want him to hear you. Billy Stark who been successful until entering the ring with the man known as Davey just display a very big power move. And he isn't done. Billy is just stomping away at Jaguar!
Bowar: That cause he is the man.. picking up Jaguar, and throws him to the corner.. with authority! Billy charges for the corner... NO! Jaguar got out of the way, and Billy just collided with the turnbuckles!! OOOOH..
Marcus: Jaguar is throwing Billy outside, and climbs to the top of the rope.. oh no.. a high risk maneuver..Billy is slowing getting up... MISSILE DROPKICK! Billy is on the floor, and you got to wonder what the impact all the way up there felt like!
Bowar: It didn't tickle.. got one of those myself..
Marcus: But ..
Bowar: Jaguar is grabbing a chair.. and walking over to Billy... OOOOH Jaguar just hit a homerun if Billy head was a baseball! And.. ut oh... Billy is open.. and he making a mess out of the floor.. you didn't lay down a cleaning deposit did you?
Marcus: Jaguar picks up Billy..dragging him to the guardrail. Jaguar is preparing to suplex Billy onto the GUARDRAIL! HE goes.. noo.. He can't lift him.. Billy reverses into a front layout suplex, and catches Jaguar right in the ribs. I don't think this one will be fought in the ring..
Bowar: None of Jaguar matches usually are!
Marcus: Anyways, Billy dragging Jaguar over to the corner in clear concrete. Lifts him up.. oooh Backbreaker slam onto the floor! Jaguar taking a lot of punishment!
Bowar: OOOH YEA! Billy going further and sets up a table. Now he heading back to Jaguar, picking him up.. an Irish whip.. No.. REVERSAL! Billy goes flying to the Table. Man that one mean pussy!
Marcus: Jaguar picking Billy up.. giving him vicious kicks, sets him up for a PILEDRIVER! That cut doesn't look so good as it widens with that move!
Bowar: It appears as Billy is unconscious.. oh no.. this is bad.. wait.. here comes Aunt Bob.. The ref is trying to keep her away... .OOOH SHE slugs the ref, and now the ref is on the floor. Attacking Jaguar from behind who was deepening the cut.. She pounds on, setting him up for.. the SLINGBLADE.. and throws Billy right over him.
Marcus: They have to get to the ring to do that.. she is dragging the referee up, and telling him to take the count. The referee is saying that it is not falls count anywhere stipulations.. Her back is turned from Jaguar.. and he is up!!!
Bowar: Turn around BOB! Jaguar attacks her from behind.. sets her up .. .FOR A POWERBOMB! YES! Billy hits Jaguar with a clothesline!
Marcus: Billy is leaving Bob and dragging Jaguar to the ring. smashing his head as hard as he can on anything that comes by! Jaguar is now in the ring, and is getting up.. Billy is going to the top rope.. and he is taunting the crowd while Jaguar is up. Jaguar with great speed and balance leaps up onto the turnbuckle..throwing Billy off balance.
Bowar: This can't be good... Jaguar is setting Billy up for a .... DOUBLE UNDERHOOK PILEDRIVER FROM THE TOP ROPE! Billy is out and so is Jaguar..
Marcus: Jaguar needs to get a pin..wait.. Jaguar moving.. he flips Billy over.. the cover..
Ref: 1......2....
Bowar: YES!!! Bob Snuck back and put Billy foot on the ropes.
Marcus: That bitch.. Jaguar was so close to winning this.
Bowar: All is fair.. Both men are getting up.. they are brawling each other. It looks more like a cat fight!
Marcus: Billy hitting Jaguar hard, set him up for.. BACKDROP DRIVER! He looks like he going to pin him..
Ref: 1...
Marcus: He uncovers Jaguar.. Referee is scolding about that! Billy gives the Referee the finger. Picking up Jaguar, sets him up for Tombstone Piledriver.....AUNT BOB IS THROWING IN A CHAIR! TOMBSTONE ONTO A CHAIR!
Bowar: Jaguar is opened, and is not looking like a pretty pussy! I think at this point Jaguar is incapacitated.
Marcus: I am afraid you are right.. Billy picking the bloody Jaguar up.. Wait.. Jaguar punching back! Jaguar grabbing on.. INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!
Bowar: Ooouch.. right in the family jewels. Jaguar grabs Billy by his hair.. set him up.. POWERBOMB! Jaguar picks Billy up, and lifts him onto the top rope. Climbing upstairs, setting up.. JUNGLE KILL! He PULLED it but still he is incapacitate to do anything!
Marcus: And Billy starting to get up.. something tells me not a heck of a lot was up there to begin with. Scrubs Jaguar off the mat, sets him up.. SLINGBLADE..Billy going for the cover..
Ref: 1......2....
Bowar: WHAT? BILLY JUST PULLED AWAY.. the referee again scolding Billy again,.Billy again giving the ref the finger, and puts Jaguar.. ANOTHER SLINGBLADE!
Marcus: A pin? No.. Billy picks Jaguar up.. ANOTHER SLINGBLADE! MY GOD WHAT IS GOING ON! The Referee is scolding Billy.. What? Aunt Bob is behind the referee.. shoves the ref around, and swings at him. SLINGBLADE ON THE REFEREE FROM AUNT BOB! My god, this man has to officiate other matches tonight you know, including this one.
Bowar: Aunt Bob coming in.. wait.. she is saying she will ref the rest of the match. Billy picks up Jaguar, sets him up.. oooh nice.. SPIKED SLINGBLADE! NOW That is team work! Billy goes for a cover.
Aunt Bob: 1....2....3
Marcus: This is a farce.. Taylor is about to announce the winner.. wait here comes another referee..
Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen.. due to the fact, that the oversized, incest-byproduct slut named Aunt Bob is not an authorized official.. her decision is not sanction by the UEW, and therefore the match MUST go on WITH a UEW Official..
Marcus: That's right, ok the bell rings again, and Billy now pulls Jaguar back to his feet... Jaguar nails Billy Stark with a low blow! Billy Stark holding his groin, and Jaguar now picks Billy up, and... HUGE POWERBOMB! This one has gotta be over after that, as Jaguar makes the cover, and the new ref makes the count!
REF: 1......2.....
Bowar: NO! I can't believe it! Jaguar is pretty pissed off here I think at that, and now he starts biting Billy Starks! he's biting his forehead, and the blood is starting to pour out of Billy's head! Jaguar now picks Billy back up, and whips him to the ropes... Billy comes back, and Jaguar catches him... INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!
Marcus: Billy's groin area taking quite a bit of punishment now, and Jaguar now grabs Billy in a front face lock, and... DDT!
Bowar: this is not looking good for Stark here, and Jaguar now runs to the ropes again... wait, from the outside Aunt Bob nailed Jaguar with a chair to the back! Jaguar staggers forwards, and now Billy grabs Jaguar, and... NAILS THE SLINGBLADE! AND THE COVER!
REF: 1......2......3
Taylor: Here's your winner... BILLY STARK!
Marcus: Well, Billy Stark gets the win here somewhat contraversially, Billy Stark here with a lot of help from Aunt Bob, and hit that finisher of his quite a number of times in order to secure the win.
Bowar: Well, a win is a win. Stark did what he had to do, and he made sure he wasn't remembered by the UEW fans as a LOSER. He won on this final card, to a good opponent too. And what a way to kick off this show.
Marcus: That's the spirit!
Bowar: No I read that on this card.
Marcus: Oh...