Bowar: Well I've never seen one of these, but look at some of the stuff that's being wheeled down there... a juke box, tables, bar stools, pool cues, someone is bringing down some empty beer bottles, and... is that a bar?
Marcus: Yes, yes it is, a fully stocked bar "set", obviously a real bar doesn't have a giant mirror attatched to it, and a peice of floor between the mirror and the bar. This is gonna be wild...
*Rick Cobbs is standing outside the cage, glad he's not inside it.
Rick Cobbs: This next match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the UEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! and, it is the LATE NIGHT BAR FIGHT! coming to the ring first, the challengers, from the Larned State Hospital in Larned,KS, at a total combined weight of 535lbs... Spike Sledge, and Ripper Morgan... THE ASYLUM!
*Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill plays as The Asylum walks out WITHOUT Dr. Katie Potter, obviously because there's not much she can do for them while they're in a giant cage like this. the crowd doesn't seem to like these guys, as the fans boo and scream obsenities at them as they walk towards the cage. a referee opens the cage door for them, and they walk in and wait.*
Rick Cobbs: And their opponents... from New Orleans, at a total combined weight of 393lbs... the UEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "Superstar" Chip Collins, and Super Lucha MooCow... THE NEW FOOTLOOSE SUPERSTARS!
*Higher Ground by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers plays, as the lights dim, and a spotlight goes on the ramp. Out comes MooCow, almost running, loving the fact he'll get to drink and wrestle at the same time. Chip comes out, and tries to restrain MooCow a bit, so that they enter the cage at the same time, but MooCow breaks free and runs into the cage, Chip runs after him. They get in the cage, and the ref walks inside and shuts the door, while another ref on the outside starts wrapping a chain around the door to lock it.*
Bowar: Well here we go with two teams I've never heard of, and one of them is a total combined weight of 393lbs? you've gotta be kidding me!
Marcus: Well despite the weight disadvantage of the NFS, they're pretty damn good at what they do. The door is locked, and this one is underway! They divide up, MooCow and Spike, and Chip and Ripper locking up... and Spike throws MooCow on his ass, and Ripper scoops Chip up and bodyslams him on the concrete!
Bowar: Spike walks towards MooCow who is quickly to his feet, and goes to lock up with him, but MooCow spins around him. Spike turns around, and MooCow dropkicks him in the stomach! Spike reels backwards, and MooCow runs at him, and goes for a crossbody block... Spike catches him! he walks around holding MooCow for a second, then bodyslams him down on the concrete.
Marcus: meanwhile Ripper on top of Chip just hammering away with punches, Chip trying his best to block, but he's not having the greatest luck. Ripper now pulls him to his feet, and drags him over towards the cage. over on the other side of the ring, Spike looks over and sees that, and pulls MooCow to his feet, and drags him over to the other side of the cage... and Spike and Ripper start ramming their opponent's heads into the cage!
Bowar: Lucky for MooCow, he's got that stupid spotted mask of his to keep him from getting all cut up. Ripper though is grinding Chips face into the cage, and you can see a slight bit of blood trickling down from under the hairline of Chip.
Marcus: Spike now throws MooCow to the mats, remember that the mats around the ring still remain, but there's concrete where the ring was. He now grabs a pool cue, and waits for MooCow to get up, and swings... and nails MooCow on the top of the shoulder! MooCow goes down, and the pool cue doesn't break! Spike just shrugs his shoulders, and swings towards MooCow's back... he nails him, and that breaks the pool cue!
Bowar: Over on the other side, Ripper grabs Chip, and throws him into the side of the bar! Ripper grabs a stool, as Chip slowly tries to get to his feet, and... Ripper breaks the stool over Chip's back! Chip goes right back down again!
Marcus: It's been all Asylum for the first little bit here. Ripper now going behind the bar, and... he grabs a bottle of whiskey! Chip slowly getting to his feet, as Ripper jumps over the bar with the bottle in his hand, and swings it at Chip... Chip ducks! he pops back up, and kicks Ripper in the stomach, and he drops the bottle, and it shatters.
Bowar: What a waste of booze! MooCow looks over and sees it, and he looks pretty upset too. He turns his attention back to Sledge, who nails him with a punch in the face. MooCow goes reeling backwards, and Sledge runs at him with a clothesline... MooCow ducks, Sledge turns around, and... MooCow nails him with a dropkick!
Marcus: Sledge goes down! over on the other side, Chip grabs Ripper by the head, and slams his face into the bar! Ripper goes reeling backwards, and Chip grabs him, and... hiptosses him into a bar table, and the table shatters!
Bowar: Pretty cheap table I'll tell ya!
Marcus: Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that Ripper is a 300 pound man who got thrown through it... but you're probably right too, $25 just don't buy you a good table these days. MooCow now walking towards the bar, I think we know why that is.
Bowar: Well obviously I don't, remember, I don't watch this crap normally?
Marcus: Oh yeah... well, he goes behind the bar, and grabs himself a bottle of rye, and a plasic bottle of coke, and a big glass... and starts mixing! he doesn't seem to care about this match at the moment, he wants a drink!
Bowar: Oh, so this guy in the cow get-up is also an alcoholic? I'm telling you Marcus, you do a hell of a recruiting job, one half of your tag champs needs to be in rehab. He tips the glass back, and he's drinking that down like there's no tommorow! he starts to mix another one, but Spike runs at him, and... SUICIDE DIVE OVER THE BAR! and both men slam into that mirror, and it shatters on both of them!
Marcus: A new meaning to the name "Suicide Dive" I guess, because these two men just went through that mirror! the glass is all over top of them, the crowd is loving it, and Chip and Ripper just look in disbelief!
Bowar: Well Ripper stops looking at the busted mirror and the busted wrestlers, and turns his attention back to Chip, and nails him with a right hand! Chip is staggered! Ripper jumps up on the bar, and pulls Chip up on there too and... PILEDRIVER ON THE BAR! and there's a big dent in the top of the bar!
Marcus: That thing ain't cheap though, it's made of oak. Chip looks to be out cold, and Ripper rolls him off the bar, and makes a cover!
REF: 1......2.....
Bowar: No! Chip gets a shoulder up barely! Ripper now goes to one of the other tables, and grabs an empty beer bottle off of it! Chip slowly gets to his feet, and Ripper swings the bottle at him... Chip dodges! Ripper's momentum spins him around, and Chip kicks him in the stomach, and grabs the beer bottle from him, and breaks it over the back of Ripper's head!
Marcus: Ripper is in a bit of pain here now! he's bent over in pain, as Chip now climbs up on top of one of the tables, and waits for Ripper to stand up straight, and... DROPKICK OFF THE TABLE!
Bowar: Wait a minute, look over where that mirror was broken, Spike and MooCow are actually starting to get back up, very slowly, but still! how are they getting up after what happened to them!
Marcus: I don't know, but MooCow gets back to his feet first, then Spike gets back up, and they're both bleeding, although it's harder to tell on MooCow you can see a cut out of the forehead of the mask, and a bit of blood dripping out of the eyehole as well as that cut in the mask. Spike is bleeding from the back of his head and from his face too. Spike now punches MooCow, and picks him up, and sits him on the bar! Spike climbs up on the bar and pulls him up, I think he's going to attempt a Superplex into all that broken glass!
Bowar: Could be! He sets him up... wait, MooCow punches him a couple times in the abs, and Spike lets go of him... MooCow gives him a shove, and Spike looses his balance, and falls off the bar on his ass! He quickly gets to his feet, and walks to the bar... MooCow sitting on the edge of the bar, he punches Spike in the face, and grabs him by the neck, and... TORNADO DDT INTO THE GLASS!
Marcus: That's MooCow's regular finishing hold, but he has no more left in him, both those men are now knocked out!
Bowar: over on the other side now, Ripper and Chip were exchanging punches, Chip blocked one, and returned with a hard right, and now he's dragging Ripper towards the Jukebox! they get near it, and Ripper slips away and shoves Chip, and Chip bumps into the Jukebox and knocks it over. Chip regains his balance, and walks towards Ripper... Ripper kicks him in the stomach, and... POWERBOMB ON THE JUKEBOX! and a cover!
REF: 1......2.....
Bowar: He kicked out! How the hell did he do that? The Jukebox is a little battered, the glass on it is broken, and the rest of it is dented up and shit.
Marcus: Well Ripper pulls Chip back up, and drags his thumb across his throat, he's calling for the end of this one! he sets him up over the Jukebox again, he's gonna Powerbomb him again! he lifts... no! Chip is resisting! Ripper lifts again, and Chip keeps resisting, and... back body drops him onto the Jukebox!
Bowar: That didn't have too much effect on Ripper, he gets right up, and... Chip grabs him with a waistlock, and... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!
Marcus: That's the prelude to this, Chip sets up, and waits as Ripper slowly gets to his feet, and... LIGHTS OUT! HE HIT IT! and he falls onto him for a cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Bowar: Well the midget and the other guy are still the UEW tag champs, MooCow starts to slowly get to his feet, and staggers over to the bar, and now he goes around and grabs two stools, and puts them on the other side of the bar, and he starts mixing drinks! the cage raises, the guys who clean shit up are coming down here, and Chip gets to his feet, walks over, and joins MooCow for a drink!
Marcus: Well the NFS not waiting to get to the back to celebrate their victory, they're having a drink at the bar, as these worker guys now push the bar up the ramp with Chip and MooCow still drinking at it, and start cleaning up some other stuff.
Bowar: not a very good clean up job, they're just pushing everything to the middle, and lowering the ring!
Marcus: Whatever, they'll clean it up better later. The Asylum has got to their feet and slowly walk to the back, they're gonna definatly be in pain tommorow, hell I'm sure they're in pain right now!
Bowar: alright, they got this cleaned up pretty quickly, that barely even took a minute! that's pretty quick stuff, I guess taking short cuts works pretty well.
Marcus: Oh yes, and now, it's time... oh yes, it's time for the UEW's first special gimmick event, the first half of a double main event if you will... the Deadpool Match! Rick Cobbs will take it from here!
Rick Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the DEADPOOL MATCH! here are the rules for this competition! it is a 4 on 4 match, and as a special, semi-meaningless bonus, all the turnbuckle pads have been REMOVED! 4 men, 2 from each team, will start out, 2 in the ring, and 2 up on the scaffold. This will go on for 5 minutes, then in the back, there will be a coin toss, and the winning team will send their man out, then every two minutes after the teams will alternate, sending out one of their men, until all 8 men have entered. Wrestlers can be eliminated at ANY TIME, and can go anywhere either in the ring, or on the scaffold. The winners will be the team who fully eliminates the other team. Now, introducing the wrestlers to start this off from team #1...
*Great Milenko plays and the crowd boos. Justin Funk and Stevie Rhymes both walk out.*
Rick Cobbs: Representing Prestige, Power, and Pain... and tonight, representing team 1... JUSTIN FUNK, and STEVIE RHYMES!
*Rhymes and Funk walk down the ramp, not really caring about the boos. They get to ringside, and Funk and Rhymes talk for a moment, then Rhymes climbs up on the Scaffold, while Funk rolls into the ring.*
Rick Cobbs: And now, representing team #2...
*Touchdown boy by Blink 182 plays, and the crowd cheers*
Rick Cobbs: IMMORTAL!
*Immortal walks half way down the ramp, then waits.*
Rick Cobbs: also representing team #2...
*"Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin plays, and the crowd sits silent, then explodes when they see who it is...*
*Scott Diamond walks to the middle of the ramp, and talks to Immortal and points to the scaffold, Immortal nods, and runs towards it and climbs up fast, and Scott Diamond runs towards Funk*
Marcus: Here we go! You might have an easier time here Bowar, because you know most of these people!
Bowar: Yeah, that makes it a little easier. Immortal up to the top of the Scaffold, about 15 feet high I believe... and Rhymes goes right at him, attempting a clothesline, but Immortal ducks, turns around, and hits a clothesline of his own!
Marcus: Remember that the scaffold serves no real purpose than to try and hurt your opponent, throwing a person off it doesn't eliminate a person or anything like that.
Bowar: inside the ring now, Funk and Scott Diamond are just brawling, lefts and rights at each other, not really caring too much about getting hit or where they're getting hit! Funk now takes a hard swing, Diamond ducks, and Funk's own momentum spins him around, and... Funk nails him with a hard right hand! Funk goes down hard!
Marcus: Team 2 here starting off strong, and we still don't know who their fourth man will be, maybe we'll find out soon... I'm getting word from the back that team 2 has just won the coin toss, and will send out their 3rd man next, but we don't know who. Team 1 made a pretty smart move, sending out two friends, but there's no real teamwork when they're seperated like this.
Bowar: there certainly isn't. Immortal now down on his knees, and Rhymes is on his stomach, and Immortal is griding Rhymes's face into the metal grates that make up the scaffold. Immortal now pulls Rhymes's head up a bit, and... drives it down into the metal! Rhymes is getting a slight cut on the forehead.
Marcus: back down in the ring, Executioner throws Funk to the ropes... Funk reverses, sending Executioner to the ropes... Executioner comes back, and... Funk with a Spinebuster! and a cover!
REF: 1......2.
Bowar: he kicks out, and I think the only reason Funk even got a two count there is because he caught Diamond off guard! Funk now pulls Diamond to his feet, and whips him to the exposed turnbuckles... no! Diamond reverses, and Funk runs chest first into the metal!
*Crowd: 5....4....3....2....1....*
Rick Cobbs: Now entering the ring for team 2... THE UEW NATIONAL CHAMPION... PHOBOS!
Marcus: here comes Phobos! he runs into the ring... wait a minute from the top of the scaffold, Rhymes throws Immortal off, and Immortal lands on Phobos who just entered the ring! Rhymes stands alone on the top of the Scaffold, but not for long! Executioner is climbing the ladder, but Rhymes doesn't see it!
Bowar: Meanwhile on the bottom here, Funk grabs Immortal and Phobos, pulling them both to their feet at the same time, and knocks their heads together! both men reel backwards, and Funk nails Phobos with a clothesline, then turns around, and nails Immortal with a clothesline!
Marcus: the crowd is booing major, but Executioner now to the top of the scaffold, and Rhymes turns around... Executioner kicks Rhymes in the stomach, and... PILEDRIVER ON THE SCAFFOLD! Rhymes's head bounces off the scaffold hard, and he almost falls off!
Bowar: and that cut is starting to open up! Funk is dominating back on the bottom though, he now grabs both men again, and sets them up for a... DOUBLE DDT! both men go down hard!
Marcus: I don't think Phobos is going to be much use in there, he had a fairly hard match against Killer Kid already. Executioner now shoves Rhymes off the top of the scaffold, and he hits the canvas hard!
*Crowd: 5....4....3....2....1....*
Rick Cobbs: Now entering the ring for team 1... ELITE ERIC EGO!
Bowar: Who? Oh well, doesn't matter, this guy is taking his sweet ass time getting here, and the crowd doesn't seem to like this guy!
Marcus: Well, he's getting here, and Executioner points at him, and starts yelling at him to come up on the scaffold! Rhymes slowly getting to his feet, and he and Funk now start using a little teamwork finally. both men now pull Immortal up, and whip him to the ropes... Immortal comes back, and... DOUBLE BACK BODY DROP!
Bowar: Phobos now slowly getting to his feet, as Rhymes and Funk grab an arm and throws him to the ropes, and goes for a double clothesline... Phobos ducks! he comes off the ropes again, and nails both Funk and Rhymes with a double clothesline of his own!
Marcus: Well Eric Ego finally about half way up the scaffold, Executioner now goes over to him, and grabs him by the hair and starts pulling him up! Eric Ego now up there, and Executioner picks him up, and scoop slams him right down onto the scaffold!
Bowar: back down on the ring Phobos and Immortal both stomping Funk and Rhymes while they're on the mat! they're doing quite a bit of work, and... oh, look at the clock, it looks like we got the final man for team 2 coming up, who's it going to be?
Marcus: I don't know, here we go!
*Crowd: 5....4....3....2....1....*
Rick Cobbs: Now entering the ring for team 2...
*The crowd explodes as Bloodbath walks out*
Bowar: Holy Fucking Shit! It's Bloodbath! what the fuck is he doing here?
Marcus: I don't know, he called in sick, and now he's here! He stops at the top of the ramp to enjoy the crowd reaction, and now he runs into the ring... and he just hit Phobos! and Immortal! what the hell is he doing?
Bowar: I guess he doesn't care about teamwork or any of that crap, he starts stomping both of them, and now he stomps Rhymes and Funk a couple times! Who the hell would have expected this guy to come out here?
Marcus: Definatly not me! but he's here, and now he's climbing up the scaffold! Executioner sees him coming, and waits for him to get up there... he goes for a big punch, Bloodbath blocks it, and shoves him off the Scaffold! Those two were on the same team too! Eric Ego still up there, but Bloodbath doesn't care about him. All 5 men down in the ring are looking up, all pretty close to each other... Bloodbath turns his back, and... he jumps!... ASAI MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP OF THE SCAFFOLD! And Bloodbath takes down everyone! including himself it looks!
Bowar: It certainly seems like that, all 6 men are down, some of them slowly getting to their feet. wait a second, this is it, the final man entering the ring!
*Crowd: 5....4....3....2....1....*
Rick Cobbs: Now entering the ring for team 1... OATMEAL!
Marcus: The last man, he comes running to the ring, I guess probably to try and take advantage of this mess Bloodbath has made. He slides in, and... immediatly attacks Rhymes! that's his teammate! but they're also bitter enemies too, so I guess it does make sence and I'm sounding surprised for nothing! Oatmeal with a couple hard lefts, then a right, now he kicks him in the stomach, and takes a few steps back... spinning neckbreaker!
Bowar: This has just become more of a Battle Royal, no one cares about teams anymore! look at this, Executioner pulls Bloodbath to his feet, and... CHOKESLAM! With one hand too! amazing strength!
Marcus: Immortal now climbing back up that scaffold, he's going to go after Eric Ego, who's basically taking a breather up there, just watching the action from where it's safe. Eric Ego now waits for Immortal to get to the top, he grabs him by the hair, and... Vertical Suplex on the Scaffold! Impressive move by the snobbish one!
Bowar: Back down in the ring it's mayhem! it's just a brawl! Bloodbath and Executioner are throwing lefts and rights at each other, Oatmeal and Rhymes are doing the same, and Phobos and Justin Funk lock up, Funk whips the National Champ to the ropes, he comes back, and... tiltawhirl backbreaker by Funk!
Marcus: Rhymes and Oatmeal still brawling, they both lock up now, Rhymes kicks Oatmeal in the stomach, and double underhooks his arms... TIGER DRIVER! and a cover by Rhymes!
*The ref tells Rhymes to get off of Oatmeal*
Bowar: What's that all about?
Marcus: You can't pin your own teammate! Executioner now whips Bloodbath towards Stevie Rhymes, Rhymes puts his head down, and... back body drops him onto Oatmeal! Bloodbath stays on him, and the ref counts!
REF: 1......2.....
Bowar: Oatmeal kicked up! Rhymes now pulls Oatmeal to his feet, and holds Oatmeal as Justin Funk walks over to him and winds up, and... big right hand... Oatmeal ducks! he nails Rhymes right in the face! Rhymes staggers backwards, and Phobos comes up from behind, and rolls Rhymes up!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Stevie Rhymes has been eliminated!
Marcus: Wow! Rhymes caught off guard after Funk accidentally hits him! and it happened after they tried to hurt their own teammate! Funk puts his hands on his head, he doesn't know what to think! wait a minute, from the top of the scaffold... Immortal jumps, and... WRATH OF GOD FROM THE TOP OF THE SCAFFOLD ONTO FUNK! Funk goes down, and Immortal makes a cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Justin Funk has been eliminated!
Bowar: Well, Prestige, Power, and Pain are out of this one, and it's 4 on 2 for Team 2 now! Elite Eric Ego the only man left at the top of the scaffold, and I think he's gonna stay there and let Oatmeal fight it out for himself! Scott Diamond turns his attention back to Bloodbath though! they start brawling, throwing lefts and rights, Diamond now ducks one from Bloodbath, and kicks him in the stomach, and... DEATH SENTANCE! Bloodbath is out! Executioner turns his back now, and Oatmeal makes a cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Bloodbath has been eliminated!
Marcus: Bloodbath is gone, and it's 3 on 2! Eric Ego still up there watching and waiting, and Phobos is now going up! Phobos is no stranger to the Scaffold, his match Scaffold Match against Kon a few months ago before he was National Champ was amazing, and he won it too. Executioner now goes at Oatmeal, Oatmeal ducks and goes behind him, and goes for a waistlock... Executioner elbows him to the face! Oatmeal staggers back, and Executioner nails him with a hard lariat! Immortal now comes at Executioner, Executioner grabs him, and... CHOKESLAM!
Bowar: Executioner now walking towards the ropes, and... he's leaving! He rolls under the bottom rope, then goes and says something to Rick Cobbs, and now he's walking up the ramp!
Rick Cobbs: Executioner has just informed me that he doesn't feel like "wasting his time with nobodys" and has decided to eliminate himself from the match!
Marcus: What the hell? Well he's left, and it's 2 on 2 now! Phobos and Eric Ego up at the top of the scaffold brawling, Eric Ego now runs at Immortal, and... Cross Body Block... Immortal catches him, and staggers back... and falls off the Scaffold! both men fall, and... Immortal lands on Ego! and the ref counts!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Elite Eric Ego has been Eliminated!
Bowar: We're down to 3! Phobos and Immortal vs Oatmeal, Immortal was the first guy in there too! Phobos and Immortal talk with each other for a second, then both go for a double clothesline on Oatmeal... Oatmeal ducks, and turns around, and clotheslines both of them down!
Marcus: Oatmeal has been fairing pretty well against double teams tonight! He sets himself up between Phobos and Immortal, and... DOUBLE ELBOW DROP!
Bowar: Oatmeal springs himself back up, and pulls both men to their feet... and both men land hard shots to the stomach of Oatmeal! Immortal and Phobos pick Oatmeal up, and... DOUBLE VERTICAL SUPLEX! Oatmeal goes down hard, and both men pick him up again, and Immortal sets him up for a Piledriver, Phobos grabs Oatmeal's feet, and... SPIKE PILEDRIVER!
Marcus: Oatmeal is down, and it looks like he's out! Phobos now pulls Oatmeal right back up, and... PHOBOCIDE! again! and a cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Oatmeal has been eliminated, therefore, the surviving winners of this match... IMMORTAL! and the UEW National Champion... PHOBOS!
*Immortal grabs the Mic*
Immortal: Hold on a second. I pinned 2 guys, and you pinned 2 guys... so, I propose we finish this off, teams don't mean shit here, me, you, one on one, winner wins the Deadpool Match. what do you say?
*Immortal throws Phobos the Mic*
Phobos: Fine, you got it!
*Phobos throws the mic down, and immediatly swings at Immortal*
Marcus: Well here we go! Immortal vs Phobos, winner is the sole winner of the Deadpool Match! Phobos nails Immortal with a stiff punch in the face, and another, now he throws him to the ropes, Immortal comes back, and... Phobos kicks him in the stomach... PHOBOCIDE... NO! Immortal counters with a back body drop!
Bowar: This one was almost over right there! Phobos looking a bit winded here too, he's had to wrestle 2 matches tonight, including this monster! Immortal now picks Phobos up, and... SPINEBUSTER! Phobos goes down very hard! and Immortal is walking towards the corner! he's climbing up to the top rope, and waits for Phobos to get up, he slowly gets to his feet, and...
Marcus: WRATH OF GOD! that's it! he slowly crawls over to Phobos, and makes the cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: The sole winner of the Deadpool Match... IMMORTAL!
Marcus: Immortal pins Phobos! Immortal pins the National Champion! wow!
Bowar: well that was a pretty damn exciting match, but even after that we still have more! folks, up next is AC vs Kon, and I'm told they're gonna move the announcers tables back to ringside so we can get a really good view of this. In the meantime, heres some sorta video collage of stuff.
*Video Collage that shows AC vs Kon vs Funk at Goldrush, with AC winning the title, then some stuff with AC vs Funk and Kon vs DeCosta, and then the AC/Kon vs Funk/DeCosta match from a few weeks ago where Kon turned on AC.*