*Rapid shots go by of every wrestler wrestling tonight*
Narrator: ...Will Feel EXTREME PAIN!
*Extreme Pain '99 Logo shows on screen, then dissolves to a Shot of UEW Arena. a full house of 7000 fans are screaming, and knocking each other down to get their face on camera. some of the more noticable Signs that get on camera are "Elite Eric Who?", "DeCosta is Kon's biatch", "Nobody fears Funk", and "I'd rather be watching Porn". the next shot is of Marcus and Bloodbath sitting at the announce table.*
Marcus: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Extreme Pain '99! I am of course Marcus Williams, owner and president of the UEW, and with me as always is the commissioner of the UEW, the man who considers himself the only champion of proffessional wrestling, Bloodbath.
Bloodbath: Great to be here tonight, for our second ever SuperCard! We're glad you could peel yourself away from the Superbowl long enough to see what will be one hell of a card! enough of that crap though, I see the ring is littered with crap, including a ladder, I don't know how that makes it into a Street Fight, but there's about 5 trash cans, a few bottles, a couple of them are broken already... some shattered glass in the ring and out of the ring, etc... so lets get this match going!
Rick Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the opening contest of Extreme Pain 1999! It is a 6 Man Tornado Rules Street Fight, scheduled for one fall! coming to the ring first, From the Dark Side, at a total combined weight of 782lbs... The Hunter, Albino Prince, and Wraith... THE DARK ALLIANCE!
*March of the Pigs by NIN plays as The Dark Alliance make their way toward the ring. They're wearing their regular costumes. All three men get to the ring, and Hunter instructs Wraith and Albino Prince to go to opposite sides of the ring on the outside, as Hunter climbs into the ring.*
Rick Cobbs: And their opponents... From St. Louis, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Philadelphia Respectivly, at a total combined weight of 805lbs... Ring King, "Hollywood" Carl Aldich, and Justin Sane... THE EXTREME ICONS!
*The Extreme Icons walk out all wearing street clothes, and Extreme Icon's shirts. Justin Sane carrying his cane. Ring King and Carl Aldrich go after Albino Prince and Wraith on the outside, while Justin Sane goes at Hunter in the ring.*
Marcus: Well, here we go! Hunter and Sane pair off, Ring King goes at Wraith, and Aldrich goes at Albino Prince on the other side of the ring! Ring King goes right for a trash can, and swings it at Wraith... Wraith catches it, and now Ring King and Wraith are struggling for control of the trash can, and... Wraith pulls it away from Ring King, and now hammers him in the head with it! Ring King goes down, and that can doesn't look like it's got a dent in it!
Bloodbath: Oh yeah, well I got some good ones, none of that tin garbage, those babies hurt! Meanwhile, inside the ring, Sane is backing Hunter into a corner, now he throws a few punches into his stomach, and whips him to the turnbuckle... Hunter hits hard chest first, and staggers backwards... Sane runs in and grabs Hunter by the head, and throws him face first into the turnbuckle!
Marcus: Hunter reels backwards, and now falls over, onto one of those bottles! I think I heard it break too! Hunter rolls over, and there's blood all over his back! that bottle did break!
Bloodbath: Look what's going on outside of the ring now! Albino Prince grabs Aldrich by the arm, and throws him towards the steel guard rail... Aldrich reverses, and Albino hits hard into the guard rail, and Aldrich runs towards him, and... MAFIA KICK! Albino goes over the guard rail, and Aldrich goes to the other side of the ring to help Ring King who's getting beaten!
Marcus: Ring King was getting pummeled by Wraith ever since that stiff shot with the garbage can, you can see Hunter is getting punched in the face by Sane in the inside... Aldrich grabs Wraith by the hair and pulls him off Ring King, and slams his face into the ring apron! Ring King gets up, and Aldrich pulls Wraith towards him... DOUBLE VERTICAL SUPLEX ONTO THE TRASH CAN!
Bloodbath: It dented that time! meanwhile Justin Sane throws Hunter to the ropes, Justin Sane puts his head down, and... HUNTER KICKS HIM IN THE TEETH! Justin Sane goes down holding his mouth! Ring King dives into the ring, and goes at Hunter... Hunter kicks him in the balls! Rink King goes down hard! Aldrich slides into the ring too, and Hunter runs at him, and clotheslines him back over the top!
Marcus: Hunter cleaning house here! He's standing by himself in the ring, and now he grabs Justin Sane's cane! he raises it high in the air, and the crowd boos like mad! Albino Prince finally making his way back into the ring, and Wraith is getting up too. Hunter now swings Sane's cane down at Justin Sane, but he rolls out of the way!
Bloodbath: Sane now gets up, and Hunter swings again... Sane ducks! He stands up, and waits for Hunter to swing the cane... Hunter isn't swinging it again, and Sane is just standing there... wait a minute, Albino Prince from behind, he turns Sane around, and kicks him in the stomach... DDT!
Marcus: Sane goes down again! Ring King back up, and he goes to the top rope without anyone noticing... MISSLE DROP KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF ALBINO PRINCE! Albino Prince goes down, and Hunter pulls the cane back to swing at Ring King... Aldrich back in the ring, and he pulls it out of Hunter's hands from behind! Hunter turns around, and Aldich hits him in the face with it!
Bloodbath: The crowd cheers, and all three Dark Alliance members leave the ring to regroup! The Extreme Icons have taken the ring over! and Sane is setting the ladder up!
Marcus: Well we put that in there at the request of the Extreme Icons, who said that if we didn't put one in there, they'd bring one anyway, so we figured what the hell, it might make things more interesting. Wait, Justin Sane is holding the ladder as Ring King climbs it, and he jumps... FLYING PLANCHA OFF THE LADDER ONTO WRAITH!
Bloodbath: Both men hit hard, and that was quite a jump! The Dark Alliance swarm onto Ring King though, punching and kicking him, basically just laying a beating on him. Justin Sane slides out, and grabs Hunter and throws him back in the ring, and Aldrich pulls Albino Prince over to the guard rail and slams his face into it, and it looks like we're back to where we started this match!
Marcus: Yeah pretty much, except now Wraith and Ring King are down and out! Aldrich grabs Albino Prince by the head, and tries to slam him into the corner post... Albino Prince blocks, and throws Aldrich into it! Aldrich gets busted open! Albino Prince now grabs him by the hair, and headbutts him... Carl Aldrich falls into some broken glass on the outside!
Bloodbath: Albino now grabs a chair from the audience, and waits for Aldrich to get up... and he nails him with the chair! Aldrich goes down, and he doesn't look like he's going to get back up! Albino Prince gets back in the ring and brings the chair with him... Sane sees him, and goes for a thrust kick... Albino Prince had the chair in front of his face, and Sane hit the chair with that thrust kick, and the chair hit Albino Prince hard in the face! Albino Prince falls through the middle ropes, and to the floor, and it looks like he's out!
Marcus: Oh yeah, I guess it's down to the two that started this! Sane turns around, and Hunter pushes that ladder over onto Justin Sane, and it hits him on the top of the head! Justin Sane goes down, and Hunter goes for a cover!
REF: 1......2....
Bloodbath: Justin Sane kicks out! Wait a minute... what do we got here... 2 men are coming out of the entranceway, who the hell are these guys?
Marcus: Well, I just signed these two guys earlier in the week, the one on the left goes by the name Andy Social, and the other man's name is John Andrews, I don't know what they're doing here though... they're slowly walking to the ring, the crowd not knowing what to make of this... Hunter now grabbing Sane's legs, and he's putting him in the Death Trap! Andrews and Andy Social now slide into the ring, and... they start attacking Hunter! they're laying the boots to him!
Bloodbath: What the hell is this? These two new guys are beating the hell out of Hunter, and now they're holding Hunter by the arms and legs... Justin Sane picks up the ladder, and climbs up to the top of it... MOONSAULT FROM THE LADDER! Everyone else is finally coming too here, Ring King and Aldrich are getting up, and they walk to the front of the ring, where Justin Sane and these two new guys are now leaving the ring, and I guess maybe we're seeing some new Extreme Icon members?
Marcus: I guess so! Albino Prince and Wraith now climbing back into the ring, as Hunter gets back up to his feet, these guys are not looking too happy.
Rick Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match, as a result of a Disqualification... THE DARK ALLIANCE!
Bloodbath: Well the Dark Alliance now slide out of the ring, and run towards the back, maybe to see if they can catch up to the Extreme Icons.
Marcus: Alright, well lets move things along here, we got a match coming up that should be great, and it's the first title match of the night. Lets go to Rick Cobbs for the intro.
Rick Cobbs: Extreme Pain '99 Continues with this next match, it is for the UEW JR. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Coming to the ring first, the challenger, from the Asylum, weighing 195lbs... SHANK!
*Dragula by Rob Zombie plays as Shank and his two armed guards walk out, Shank looking extremely anxious to get this going. They get halfway to the ring and Shank just breaks away from the guards and runs into the ring, as the crowd has a mixed reaction to him.*
Rick Cobbs: And his opponent... from Parts unknown, weighing 195lbs... a member of Prestige, Power, and Pain, and the UEW JR. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... CHRISTIAN CROSS!
*Great Melenko by ICP plays as Christian Cross walks to the ring holding the belt up over his head with one hand, and carrying a table in the other. He gets to ringside, and sets it up, then rolls into the ring, and stands in his corner and waits.*
Marcus: Alright, both men standing in their corners, the bell rings, and both men slowly walk to the center of the ring. Both men waiting to see what the other one is going to do. This is starting off like a heavyweight match!
Bloodbath: Well both men have met before, I'm sure Shank doesn't want to screw up again, and Cross doesn't want to lose his title just yet. They now finally lock up, and start jockying for position. Shank pushes Cross into the ropes, and throws him to the other side... Cross comes back, and Shank goes for a hiptoss, but Cross lands on his feet, and does a hiptoss of his own... and Shank goes over the top rope, but lands on the apron!
Marcus: Cross takes a swing at him, but Shank ducks, and buries his shoulder into Cross's midsection! Cross doubles over, and Shank springs in, and hits a sunset flip! the ref dives down to count, but Cross kicks out, not even a one count!
Bloodbath: Way too early for a pin, but Shank knew that I'm sure, he was just trying to get off the apron. Both men quickly to their feet, and Cross runs to the ropes, and comes at Shank... Shank leapfrogs him. Cross comes back, and Shank jumps up to do a frankensteiner... Cross counters with a powerbomb!
Marcus: very fast pace to start this off, and Shank makes his first mistake of the night. Cross pulls Shank up, and whips him towards the turnbuckle... Shank hits chest first! he staggers backwards, and Cross runs at him, and grabs a handful of hair... and rams him face first into the turnbuckle! and again! and again! and again! rapidly throwing Shank's head into that turnbuckle!
Bloodbath: Cross now pulls him away from the turnbuckle, and... snap suplex! and now he goes back toward that turnbuckle pad, and rips it off! he's exposing the bare steel!
Marcus: good, I don't even know why we put the pads on it, it's more fun without them. Cross now pulls Shank to his feet, and whips him towards the steel... Shank reverses! and Cross hits hard chest first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Shank now comes in and grabs Cross by the hair, and starts ramming his face into it!
Bloodbath: A little payback I guess! and I think Cross is starting to bleed, as Shank continues to ram his face into the steel... wait, Cross kicks backwards, and hits Shank in the balls! and Shank goes down!
Marcus: Well that's one way to stop a guy from doing that, and you were right, Cross is starting to bleed a little right in the middle of his forehead! Cross now climbing to the top turnbuckle, and waits for Shank to get to his feet... flying headscissors from the top rope! Shank hits the mat and goes sliding out to the floor!
Bloodbath: Cross waits for Shank to get back to his feet, and runs towards the ropes... suicide dive! no! Shank moved out of the way, and Cross hits face first into the steel guard rail! that's not going to be good for that cut!
Marcus: No, I wouldn't think so. Shank now climbing back up onto the apron, as Cross slowly gets to his feet... Shank jumps, and... dropkick off the apron! and it nails Cross right in the chest, and he goes back first into the guard rails again!
Bloodbath: Shank quickly back to his feet, and he pulls Cross up and rolls him back into the ring. Shank jumps up on the apron, then goes straight to the top rope, and... MOOSAULT... NO! Cross rolls out of the way and Shank hits the mat hard! Cross back up now, and he pulls Shank to his feet, and quickly bodyslams him back down.
Marcus: Cross now going to the top rope, I don't know what he's going to do here... he jumps, and... FROG SPLASH! and a cover by Cross!
REF: 1......2...
Bloodbath: Shank kicks out! and the cut on Cross's head is starting to really bleed. He wipes some of it off with his hand, and slicks it into his hair! this guy is a little strange.
Marcus: A little? I think he's more than just a little strange. Cross now pulling Shank to his feet... Shank nails him with a forearm to the stomach... and another! Shank gets to his feet, and kicks Cross in the stomach, and... DDT! and a cover!
REF: 1......2....
Bloodbath: Cross kicks out! Shank now rolling outside, and he gets that table that Cross brought with him! he folds it up, and slides it into the ring, and re-sets it up. Cross now slowly getting to his feet, and Shank goes at him again, nailing him with a few punches to the head to open that cut up a little more! He now puts Cross on the top rope near that table!
Bloodbath: WOW! that took a bit out of Cross as well, but he crawls over, and makes the cover!
REF: 1......2.....
Marcus: NO! Shank kicks out! I don't know how he was able to do that but he did! Cross now pulls Shank to his feet, and sets him up on the top rope, I think it's translator time!
Bloodbath: It just might be! Cross now climbing up there with Shank... wait, Shank is punching Cross, and now he grabs him by the throat, and throws him off the turnbuckle! Cross goes down, and Shank jumps... MOONSAULT! he doesn't stay on for the cover, he pulls Cross to his feet, and... oh, I think we know what this is... BLOODY CRUCIFIX! and the cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Marcus: Shank looks dead tired, he now pulls himself up with the help of the ropes, and the referee presents him with the UEW Jr. Heavyweight Championship. Shank holds it up, and the crowd is actually sort of cheering for this man.
Bloodbath: Probably because the crowd hates the PP&P so much. Cross now rolls out of the ring, and starts banging his head repeatedly on the steel ring post, he's obviously not too happy that he just lost his title. Alright folks, as Shank makes his way back to the locker room, lets show you how this next match coming up came about.
---Clip from WNC 1/20/99---
Bloodbath: He's still standing though! Killer Kid walks towards Oatmeal, and... Oatmeal kicks Killer Kid in the stomach, and... OATMEAL SPLASH ON A TABLE! That table didn't break either, it's one of those sturdy ones! Oatmeal now going for the cover... wait a minute... someone is coming over towards these guys, and pulls Oatmeal off of Killer Kid! who is that?
Marcus: Oh my god, it's JC Rhymes! Big Nasty! He picks Oatmeal up, and carries him over to that counter, and... he grabs him by the throat, and... COP KILLER OFF THE COUNTER TO THE FLOOR! The ref is just looking at this in amazement, he doesn't know what to do! JC now picks up Killer Kid and drags him over to Oatmeal and drapes him over, and he walks out the door! the ref counts!
REF: 1......2......3
---End Clip---
Marcus: As you can see, this next match up blew up last week on WNC, when in the middle of a Killer Kid/Oatmeal all out town crossing brawl, the man known as JC Rhymes made his presence felt and upset the end of the match. They are both here to settle the score.
Bloodbath: Oatmeal is boiling hot backstage, and you know the kind of guy that JC is he really couldn't care less. JC is the kind of guy that is just out to cause havok and doesn't give a damn who's life he messes up in the process. With two stars that compete at this level with the kind of intensity that these guys do, Personally I can't wait to see this.
Marcus: Rick Cobbs, get this one going!
*Rick Cobbs swaggers out to the ring, bumbin, and a thumpin, under his sports coat.*
Rick Cobbs: Ladies and Gentlemen this bout is scheduled for one fall, the fall must occur in the ring, and there is a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first from Woodstock Ontario, weighing in at 345 and standing an imposing 6'11.
*"Great Malenko" by ICP plays overhead as one of the main men of PP&P swaggers down the aisle, he has a determined and cocky look on his face, the fans generally boo him, but he doesn't seem to mind this guy is the definition of a cool customer, he looks like he has already won this thing.*
Rick Cobbs: And his opponent for this evening fomr Summerside PEI Canada, standing 6'5" and weighing in at 283 pounds...this is Oatmeal!!!!
*"Sex and Candy" plays and the fans roar for the Oat. He too doesn't notice not bothering too in a mad dash to the ring. Oat slides into the ring and shoulder tackles JC Rhymes right in the middle of the ring!*
Bloodbath: WHOOOOO!!! I knew this was going to happen!!!! These guys are going to blow the roof off this place!!! Oatmeal stradling JC and working him over with furious rights and lefts smashing his head into the mat! This is great!
Marcus: Look at the power of JC Rhymes just tossing the much smaller Oatmeal right off him and half way across the ring! JC right up to his feet and so is Oatmeal....Oat relentlessly charges JC....Rhymes pulls back...meets Oat coming...and Smashes his face with a huge roundhouse right!!!! That was brutal!!!! Oat waffled back into the ropes...Here comes JC grabs the ankles of Oat and simply flips him over the top rope!!!!! What amazing power JC Rhymes has on command!
*The fans are booing their asses off as JC walks around the ring flexing his massive guns.*
Bloodbath: Oatmeal on the outside checking his lip for blood, man JC Rhymes is big, Oat isn't going to get the job done with this charge in wildly attack that he has used so far....But he seems to be trying it again...sliding in the ring and charging right at JC! JC swings going for a leveling clothesline! Oat ducks....belly to back...over his head and sending JC smashing head first into the turnbuckle pads!!!!
Marcus: Oat used that form of attack to lul JC a little and let him hit that move what a strategy from the usually balls out psycho Oatmeal! Oatmeal now right on top of JC and choking him out agains the pad in the corner! Oat is a lot smarter strategist then a lot of us give him credit for! Look at this though...JC grabs the heel of Oat's boot...and launches him across the ring! What power this is almost unbelievable!
Bloodbath: Oatmeal flips back up onto his feet, and is met with a running clothesline that splatters Oatmeal across the mat again! I think that he is out cold! Rhymes drags Oatmeal up to his feet by the hair...grabs him in a front face lock...scoops him up into the air....and WHAM suplexes him down to the floor. Rhymes rolls through it...my God look at the size of Rhymes what agility he has for some one that size!
Marcus: And right back to what he does best pounding the face of Oatmeal! Oatmeal trying to get out from under Rhymes and frankly I don't think Oat is getting out from under Rhymes until Rhymes is ready to let him! Looks like the time is now! Rhymes rips Oatmeal up off the ground Oat sticks a couple trying to stave off the attack, but Rhymes grabs the neck of Oat and flings him into the corner! Rhymes charges in a crushes Oatmeal in the corner!
*The crowd starts to rain shit into the ring, as JC climbs up the ropes stradling the body of Oatmeal and flexing for the crowd, with a huge smirk on his face.*
Bloodbath: Man does JC Rhymes know how to get under the skin of these fans. Stradling Oatmeal from up there starts throwing some heavy lumber at him in the corner...1....2....3...4...5...6....7...8...9....10!!!!! Rhymes hops down and whips Oatmeal into the opposite corner...charges...Oatmeal collapses...Rhymes sternim first into the corner WHUMP!!!! Rhymes backs out of the corner and trips over Rhymes who is laying on the floor on all fours.
Marcus: Oatmeal slowly up...sees Rhymes holding his chest on the floor....hooks a leg.....
Ref: 1......2.....
Bloodbath: NO! Barely got his shoulder up that pin attempt caught him off gaurd! Rhymes and Oatmeal back up to their feet. Rhymes and Oatmeal both back up to their feet....Oatmeal circling now...reaching into the back of his tights...he has something...Rhymes charges...Oat dodges, and Rhymes again into the corner!
Marcus: This is getting to be a rough night for the chest cartillage of JC Rhymes! What is Oatmeal doing? He has something behind his back...something in both hands...he puts them up to his mouth....he is tearing something....Rhymes charges again...Oat points both his fists right at Rhymes' eyes!!!!! And squirts some white fluid into his eyes....What the hell is going on here?!?
Bloodbath: What ever that was it seems to be burning the eyes of JC Rhymes...wait...Oatmeal is walking over to the camera with that stuff...he holds it up to the camera...what....Arby's Horsey Sauce?!? He must have kept that since last WNC! BY GOD HORSE RADISH IN THE EYES AND RUBBING IT IS ONLY GOING TO MAKE IT BURN MORE! THAT OAT CAN BE A SADISTIC BASTARD!
*The fans go nuts as Oat works the audience a little, before going back to Rhymes still violently rubbing his eyes.*
Marcus: Oat taking advantage of his blinded opponent....LOW BLOW!!!! DDT! Oatmeal just swung that ddt, that looked like it was intended to end this match! Oatmeal is climbing out of the ring now...going under the ring....he has a table....tosses it into the ring...Going back under....another table....Oat follows the second table into the ring....
Bloodbath: Oat setting up the tables....Rhymes is still outcold from that ddt. Oat has the tables set up....Oat is setting one on top of the other....and now Rhymes is getting lugged up on top...God Oat is moving a lot of weight. Oat has him up there...yeah now he has him up there. Now Oat is going up to the top rope....He is going for a big splash! Oat leaps....Look out!!!!!
Marcus: I don't believe it....Rhymes is up....catches the head of Oat...and FACE BUSTERS HIM THROUGH BOTH THOSE TABLES!!!!!!!!! SWEET JESUS!!!!!! Oat went through all those tables face first and he is busted up ritcheously!!!! Rhymes isn't exactly back to the attack, as he sets up a half a table in the corner....Now going back to Oatmeal pulls him up by the hair...and flings him across the ring into the half table in the corner! OOOOOHHH My god! What impact into that table!!!!
Bloodbath: This match is more intense then I thought it was going to be!!!!!! Oatmeal is just laying over there on that half table...here comes Rhymes...Oat leaps up...SUPERKICK!!!!! Oat just got up from a face buster through two tables and a mega impact into the corner...Actually I don't think he is up...That was pure instinct! Look at Oat collapse back to the ground. Both men are out damn cold right here...four half tables in the ring, and two of the deadliest men in the sport!
Marcus: Well that Superkick didn't seem to have a lot of impact in it, because Rhymes is back up, and he's going back towards Oatmeal. He pulls Oatmeal up... wait, Oatmeal hits him with another low blow! Oatmeal to his feet, and... OATMEAL SPLASH! OATMEAL SPLASH! HE HIT IT! and the cover!
REF: 1......2......3
Rick Cobbs: Here is your winner.... OATMEAL!
Bloodbath: Oatmeal hit him with it, and wait, here comes the rest of the PP&P! Stevie Rhymes, Justin Funk, and Christian Cross all run out, and Oatmeal not sticking around, he rolls out of the ring, and jumps the guardrail, and leaves through the crowd!
Marcus: Well the PP&P help Big Nasty up, and they're now leaving the ring area, I'm sure that the PP&P aren't done with Oatmeal yet though. Alright folks, we got...
*** "Straight outta Compton" plays as The Koroner? Struts to the ring decked out in his armoni and oakley's. The red police sirens create a red glare of his shaved head as he stands on the ramp just in front of the entrance instead of entering the ring. He takes a mic from his breast pocket inside his sport coat, signals for the music to stop, and speaks ***
Koroner: Ya now I know wussup wit all yall ya wonderin were da fuck iz da Kon. Check out da Jumbo-Tron above me and yall will see wussup, even you Decosta....
*** The screen features a deserted streets corner, to the camera's left hand side is a hardware store and a all night Pizza-Pizza joint. On the right is a Nike outlet and a TV electronic store. "Built to last" by Maestro can be heard in the distance just above the noise of a rumbling engine. As the Canadian Hip-Hop tune becomes louder the dark street becomes a whole lot brighter***
Bloodbath: Holy Shit!... IT'S KON ON A BULLDOZER!!!!... But what he gonna do... FUCK NO HE'S NOT GONNA?!?!??!
*** Before Marcus can get the words out Felon's new toy bursts through the large glass window of the hard ware store, leaving the front window display in a heap. ***
Marcus: What is this man planning...
Bloodbath: I dunno but get that camera on him!!!!!
*** The camera follows Kon on his path of discruction. When the camera finally does find the Kon, Felon has a wheel barrow full of goodies. Tacks, rolls of barbed wire, Mouse traps, Shovels, stereos and even a Cash register!!!!. ***
Marcus: The fans are goin nuts, Kon has really out done himself on this one!!!
Bloodbath: I knew he had a grudge with Decosta But I didnt know he hated him this much... I dont think that step ladders gonns fit in that wheel barrow Kon. Now he's fillin up a hockey bag with shit!!!
Marcus: I can't wait till the Kon meets up with Decosta later tonight!!! Its gonna be one hell of a match!